House System

House System

The House System of the School is deeply entrenched and occupies a prominent place in the School Life of the students. The House System is designed to embody the values and ethos of the school and is an integral part of VGS community. The objective of the house system is to provide every student with:

  1. Leadership Qualities, healthy competitive spirit.
  2. A sense of belonging positive role models from within their peer group
  3. A sense of achievement outside the classroom
  4. Fun and excitement through competition
  5. Curiosity and creativity
  6. Competency and accountability to the duty.
  7. Individual and collective responsibility
  8. The development of communication skills and resilience

To work for effective conduction of of school activities, managerial skills, self - discipline and foster the spirit of espirit de corps the school has established four houses - Blue, Green, Yellow and Red namely Ashoka,Subhash,Tagore and Bhagat Singh.

Ashoka Colour (Blue)

Ashoka means without worries and sorrow. Ashoka is the symbol of prosperity. Prosperity is achieved by noble minded through innovation, confidence, focused and concentration hardwork.

Subhash Colour (Green)

Subhash means “Eloquent” one who speaks politely. Politeness is the key of success to become students model citizens, dutiful and obedient. It helps to become a better person who goes on to excel in academics and sports.

Tagore Colour (Yellow)

The name Tagore itself signifies great intellect and academician which brings progress in the life of students. Progress leads to improve everyone’s standard with care.

Bhagat Singh (Red)

The house is associated with energy, strength and determination. Its symbolizes confidence and courage.

These houses essentially are the backbone of the discipline of the school. Besides, the Houses contribute in maintaining hygiene, conducting assemblies, organizing celebrations on festivals and special days and are instrumental in imparting valuable lessons of teamwork, co operation and sports man spirit. Various inter house activities will provide the members of the houses an opportunity for healthy competition amongst them to show case their talent in multiple cultural, academics and sports activities.